How To Start A Blog? WordPress Vs Blogger For Beginners

The Internet has a strong content influence. And this is exactly why having your own blog is such a great idea right now. But, how to start a blog when you think that it is is a confusing process?

To simplify things, let’s choose one of the most popular, simple, and free platform!

Blogger and WordPress have the majority in this case.

But, they both are a great platform. Because, they both have something different and unique. So, how will you make your decission?

Let’s find out.

Why Blogger Or BlogSpot?

Blogger is easy to use blogging platform. It was originally launched by Pyra Labs on 23 August 1999. Later in 2004, Google purchased it and it became an official blogging platform by May 9 of the same year.

If you want to start a blog that is easy to manage with a straightforward design then this can be the right choice. There is nothing complicated about Blogger.

Everything about it is simple and easy. But then, it has its own shortcoming due to its extreme simplicity.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is user friendly and developer friendly blogging platform. WordPress Foundation launched this functional blogging platform on May 27, 2003.

It may need a little bit of learning in the beginning. You will need to become familiar with it. But, it is not complicated at all. It’s just that with all the plugins, there is no end of features and added features in WordPress.

It has a lot to offer. But as a beginner, you will not necessarily need to push the learning limits, unless you want to.

How To Start A Blog? – WordPress Vs. Blogger

So now that we know the basics of these two platforms, it is time to compare them both.

Let’s quickly compare WordPress Vs. Blogger and see what we find.

Blogger vs WordPress, Which One Is Better?

SimpleNeeds little learning. But simple.Extremely simple. Easy to use.
CustomizableA lot of customization features.Limited customization features.
OwnershipComplete website ownership. Google reserves its rights. Limited.
PortabilityEasy import-export options. Easy multi-platform switch.Hard to none. A limited platform will support blogger import.
SupportStandard paid support.Documentation & forum support.
EarningPaid AdSense integration on WordPress hosted site.Free AdSense integration.
Content ManagementAutosave, custom HTML, image, video, embed, revision, etc..Standard document editor with limited and basic features.
TemplatesUnlimited free and paid template choices.Basic and limited free template choices.
LimitationThe free version doesn’t allow you to Monetize.No basic limitations.
Paid OptionsPlugins, themes, and much more.None.
MonitoringGoogle Analytics & Search Console integrations and basic stats. Google Analytics & Search Console integrations and basic stats. 
SecurityPaid SSL Certificate.Free SSL Certificate.
SEO FriendlySEO Optimized. Not Optimized. 

Now You have a basic idea of WordPress vs. Blogger differences.

Let’s see some differences that affect your blogging styles.

WordPress Vs. Blogger Blogging Differences

WordPress For Beginners:

When you are starting a blog on WordPress, the initial phase will need a bit of learning. And the reason is; its feature-heavy design. WordPress blog dashboard allows bloggers to become more productive and creative.

There are a lot of customisable options for sidebar & blog posts. You will get a lot of free themes and plugins. In short, you can customise every bit and every corner of your website. You can keep customising until you get what you want.

If you are just starting the blog then it might be hard for you to get enough user attention from search engines. But, plugins like Yoast SEO can help you boost your SEO score. And, it will be easy for you to establish a reader base in no time.

But, this is something that you might not get in Blogger.

Yoast SEO has no official Blogger support plugin. And there is no other plugin that can help you in this factor if you are on blogger.

If you are setting up hosted blog then you will also get community benefit. And it can help you create an initial reader base.

But, when you have self-hosted or Web-hosting based blog then you will get AdSense monetisation freedom. You can avail all open-source features without any limitations.

When we highlight major factors that make WordPress a better choice then highlighting its SEO optimised nature is a must. Meaning, your content will be optimized with the right content practices.

Basically, there is no basic content optimization feature in Blogger. And, WordPress will help you boost your ranking without much effort.

Blogger For Beginners:

Starting a free blog on blogger will take a minute or two and your first post would be ready to go live without any effort! It will give you the easiest process one can find.

If we are talking about ease of use and WordPress Vs Blogger simplicity then the blogger will definitely take the crown.

Most of us already use google email accounts or Gmail. So, creating a blogger account will be the easiest thing for you.

You can connect your Gmail account to first create a blog. Then you can connect google analytics or google search console to keep track of your traffic. And later when the blog grows, you can apply for Google AdSense. It works with one click and your earning will be with google as well!

It is certainly a much simpler process that will not need any technical knowledge at all.

Another important factor is:

This platform is completely free, everything on this platform is free! So, you don’t have to worry about doing something that will result in an unnecessary purchase.

No matter how many visitors you get or how big your blog grows, there will be no charge at all. And in terms of security, Blogger will give you a free SSL Certificate.

It is to keep you safe from cyber-attacks. While in WordPress, you will have to integrate purchased or free SSL Certificates. It will need some technical learning.

And of course, when we are talking about traffic and audience base. Blogger also offers traffic from its community members. And, it can help you create a dedicated audience easily.

Search ranking might not get an automated boost due to a lack of SEO practices in the background. But, if you will follow the best content practices then your ranking will improve.

Answering Your Question – How To Start A Blog?

The decision is very simple. Choosing WordPress Vs. Blogger for your blog depends on what you want. Ask yourself how you want to start a blog?

Do you want a platform that will give you freedom of customisation? Choose WordPress.

Or do you want a platform that will give you simplicity? So that you can be creative without any technical learning! Then Blogspot is the choice.

You can decide what you want based on what you expect. Make your choice and get started right away!

Important Blogging Tips:

  • You can start free blogging with free domain name on these blogging platforms without any technical knowledge.
  • Blogging platforms will give you free sub domain name with new blog. But, buying your own domain name is always a good idea.
  • It is best install WordPress on your own domain name to set up monetisation using WordPress. You can easily sign up for Adsense using blogger to make money from your up-and-running blog.
  • Creating niche specific blog posts will be ideal for improving traffic on your blog.

And to add cherry on the top, make it impressive with great content.

And if you don’t know what is great content for google then let’s learn how to become a writer.

Tip: Paid content writing services can also be another alternative. This will help you boost your traffic and your blog can do a part time job for you!


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